Research Areas
Concentration Area: Health–Related Physical Activity
Lines of Research:
Physical Activity Promotion Programs and Processes
Intrapersonal, interpersonal and environmental factors for behavior change. Evaluation of programs promoting physical activity and other health behaviors. Education and promotion of physical education and health for an active and healthy lifestyle in different socioeconomic and cultural contexts. Physical activity interventions in the health-disease process.
Physical Education, Living Conditions and Health
Physical Education relations with the living and health conditions of different population groups. Epidemiology of physical activity and other general health indicators. Health correlates and determinants. Health education in the different areas of Physical Education.
Concentration Area: Pedagogical Theory and Practice in Physical Education
Lines of Research:
Theories on the Human Body, Human Movement, Sports and Leisure
Philosophical and sociocultural foundations for the analysis of contemporary social processes and for theoretical-conceptual formulations concerning the human body, human movement, sports and leisure. Manifestations of sport and leisure in different contexts.
Pedagogical and Teaching Theories for Physical Education Teaching
Pedagogical foundations of Physical Education teaching. Physical Education curriculum proposals at different levels of education. Initial training and professional development.
Concentration Area: Biodynamics of Human Performance
Lines of Research:
Biomechanics of Human Movement
Study of neuromuscular and mechanical parameters in physical exercise, sports and occupational activities. Testing, construction and validation of instruments.
Physical Exercise and Sports Performance
Study of physiological, biochemical and neuromuscular alterations in response to acute and chronic physical exercise in different populations. Biodynamic factors associated with sports performance. Study of the effects of ergogenic aid associated with sports performance.