Postdoctoral Research
PPGEF/UFSC is qualified to receive postdoctoral researchers, both from Brazil and abroad. The postdoctoral research involves carrying out research activities with our Graduate Program in its different areas of concentration and lines of research. The researchers may also carry out teaching activities at both graduate and undergraduate levels, if they are duly accompanied by a supervisor.
The duration of the postdoctoral period will be a minimum of three months and a maximum of twelve months, with the possibility of extensions.
Only members of the PPGEF permanent faculty are able to supervise the postdoctoral researchers (see the faculty list here: ). They will be responsible for monitoring the studies and guaranteeing infrastructure for the development of the project.
To apply, the candidate must submit the following documents:
- Application form ( Doutorado-na-ufsc2/formulario-de-inscricao/);
- Copy of identification document (identity card or passport for international applicants).
- Work plan to be developed with the graduate program.
- Letter of acceptance from the supervising professor, who must be a member of the PPGEF permanent faculty.
- Curriculum Vitae (Lattes template).
- Copy of doctoral diploma issued by a graduate program accredited by CAPES. Doctoral diplomas issued abroad may be accepted upon recognition by the Program’s Council.
The application will be analyzed and submitted for approval by the PPGEF Council.
If approved, the postdoctoral researcher will be registered with PPGEF and will be entitled to use UFSC library services, facilities and other conveniences for the development of their research.
At the end of the period, the researcher must prepare a final report to be submitted for approval by the PPGEF Council.